Thursday, April 30, 2009

A sad Story

This was a very sad story that was told. This man had a great childhood just waiting for him and the evil Germans took it away. The Germans are rutheless and savage. The German army could have no soul just slaughtering the innocent like that. Hitler thought he could pick who lived and who died, that is only one persons job and thats God the Almighty. The Jews at the time were a very peacful people and were not bothering anyone. The Germans had no right to do what they did. I think the Germans should be punished for what they did wrong but it is not my say so i will leave it up to God.


Gossip.......... it is one of the worst drugs in high school. It is not illegal but it is addicting when you start a gossip and you here everyone talk about it, it makes you want to start another one. When people start gossips they don't realize how much it can hurt people. People that think they are cool and think they need to start gossip is wrong. No matter what people say at one time or another they have most likely started a rumor. I will admit to it, I have and i regretted it deeply. I also have been one that it was talked about. All you can do is don't let it bother you. Even when everyone seems against you, don't let it get to you because if you do then they will start making up more rumors. 
I made this video because i wanted to make a video about one of my favorite songs when i was little. I picked the song Bye Bye Bye by Nsync. they were one of my favorite bands when i was a little kid. I look back on their songs now and they didn't swear or of dirty videos which is hard to find now a days. I picked these pictures to go with each of the lines that is played. Some of these pictures are more to me than just they go with the song, some of these pictures go with my life. Like the picture with the two friends represent me and my best friend hanging together like we always do. I also picked the family picture because you need to have a happy family or more than just your life at home will be messed up. I hope everyone likes the video. 

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Our project is on not getting schooled in basketball. We are doing this project because at one time we all played basketball and some of us still do, but we want to show people why you do not want to get schooled. I am in a group with Blake, Jeff, Brett, and Carson. We are waiting for Carson to finish so we can finish this project. Are name is Kicken It Old School. I came up with the name which makes me feel really good inside :). We are trying to save kids from being schooled and embarrassed.  I am for this cause because i have been embarrassed and its not a fun feeling at all. Especially in front of a crowd of people who make you feel even worst. I hope this project goes well and we get a good grade.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Easter Break

Easter break was a fun time and i was a great time to get away from school. Over my Easter break I wasn't lucky enough to go to Florida or Mexico but i still got to have a lot of fun. I got to play my xbox some which was a lot of fun i like poning newbs in my favorite game, Gears of War 2. I had soccer practice some too. One of my favorite days was Saturday. I got to go down to St. Louis. Down in St. Louis i got to play soccer. I went to the SIUE soccer camp. They have an amazing nice field and they recently moved back up to D1 so they are good. I got to play there all day and at the end of the day i go picked to play on the all-star team to play against the college team. The last thing i did was go see The Fast and Furious 4. It was a very cool and they were so many nice cars i was so jealous because I am looking for a new car and i would have taken any of those.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

This picture means a lot to me. Not only because in a lot of things you do you have to have courage but that my dad is a firefighter. They have to have a lot more courage then everyone else because they are choosing to put their lives in danger just to save some one they probably have never met. Willing to die is something that I find very brave and noble. Courage does not mean showing off to your friends, trying to look cool doing something stupid. Being courageous means doing something great and not looking for praise just feeling good knowing you helped someone. There are other lines of duty that you have to put your self in the line of fire. My cousin does it everyday in Iraq as well. He is a soldier for the US army. These are the things I think of when I hear the word courage.


My Lenten has been really hard for me this year for me. This year i gave up fries and candy from the candy store. I use to get both of them everyday but now I can not. i have been saving a lot of money. Since the only time I can get either of these is during the week I do not have a day that I can get them. Usually you can get them on Sunday but I do not go to school on Sunday so on cheese fries days i can get cheese fries. We only get cheese fries though twice in the entire Lenten season so it is not that many times. I do believe it has brought me closer to God as well. Every time I get into the fries line I have to pray to God so I do not fall into temptation and get fries because the all look really good.